Performing in the Heat with Liz Blatchford

Professional ironman triathlete Liz Blatchford has a string of great performances in hot conditions, including 2 podiums from 3 starts at the Ironman World Championships in Kona. This year is shaping up to be a hot humid day for the Gold Coast 50 so I thought Liz would be the perfect person to ask for some tips on how to deal with the heat on Sunday…


Liz Blatchford on performing in the heat

Running Technique Workshop – Level 1 – November

Have you ever wanted to run further, faster and with fewer injuries? One of the most rewarding ways to improve your own running is through discovering your own optimal running technique.
Join physiotherapist and running coach Dave Coombs as he guides you through techniques, drills and exercises to improve your running technique. Click here to learn more