Robina Roos – Injury Information Evening

Robina Roos – Injury Information Evening

We wish to welcome Robina Roos players to Physiologic at 6.30pm on the 29th November. This will be the night where we outlay the injury management, prevention and other ideas that we would like to implement in the upcoming season.

On the agenda specifically will be

– Introduction to Physios and our facility – physiologic – me, you,
– injury management pathways
– Interaction with other health professionals – referral onwards, medical imaging, sports medicine, podiatry, other ancillary services
– discussion on concussion
– Other members of the team
– RTS protocols soft tissue injuries – running and requirements before playing
– injury prevention programs – H/S, ACL, others
– recovery ideas
– data collection
– player discount within the clinic – 15% per session
– player screenings – TBA

We are super proud to be on board this year with the Robina Roos AFL Club. It is always a pleasure to amalgamate with local community organisations and the Robina Roos are a club that align well with our own values