Physiotherapy is about improving the way you function. Pain and injury prevent you functioning properly and can have devastating effects on your well-being. We assess, diagnose and treat your injury and assist you in reaching your goals.In doing so we improve your quality of life or performance.
The key to successful physiotherapy is understanding your problems and listening to your goals. It is thus critical that your diagnosis is correct on day one. Identifying the cause(s) of your problem and its effects through careful assessment is crucial in how we then set goals and plan your treatment.
The key features of Physiologic’s physiotherapy treatment plan(s) include:
- Manual Therapies: including soft tissue releases, trigger point therapy, joint mobilization, muscle energy techniques, joint manipulations, nerve sliders, stretches, etc. This is designed to improve the way you move and the way you feel.
- Exercise Therapy Programs: we feel this is the cornerstone of physiotherapy and we design exercise programs to get your body moving the way it should and then training it to keep it that way. This includes
- Muscles activation which is great to assist healing and pain relief from day one of the injury.
- Muscle control exercises to get muscles working how they should.
- Strengthening, Hypertrophy (muscle building) and power training to make sure your body can cope with the demands you want to place on it and prevent injury happening again
- Dry Needling: we use accupuncture needles to reduce or de-sensitise your pain and assist with positive changes to your muscle tissues.
- Pain-Inhibiting Therapies: heat and/or ice can assist your pain and allow your body to undergo the necessary adaptations to improve function
- Education: the most beneficial component of physiotherapy is getting the right education. This includes understanding what you should and shouldn’t do. Additionally, by understanding the way the body works and how your problem has developed we can educate you on appropriate prevention strategies.